Friday, 29 April 2011

May Events

5 May 6pm
Bottled Tears: Scottish War Brides of World War Two

Glasgow Women's Library, Glasgow

Find out about the post-war migration of women who ended up with men from overseas in the great shake-up that was World War II. Beverley Tosh, daughter of a World War II pilot and his war bride, gives a presentation on some of the stories of love, family, travel and adaptation that are hidden amid the wider historical moment.

15 May 3pm
The Hidden Gardens, Glasgow
Ryan Van Winkle with Poets from Lebanon, Syria and Scotland
As part of a tour that has taken in Damascus and many other exotic locations, a group of poets who have been working on English-Arabic translations perform their own and each other's works at a cabaret-style event.

19 May 7pm
CCA, Glasgow
Scottish Writers' Centre Discussion Series
Satya Dunning from Dance House dance studios in Glasgow gives a talk entitled 'Words and Movement'.

23 May 2pm
Glasgow Women's Library, Glasgow
Irish Writers' Centre Event

Writers from the Scottish Writers' Centre's counterpart over the water in Dublin showcase their works.